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Applications are now open to be a part of The Godber Theatre Foundation 2025

Apply Now

Each year The Godber Theatre Foundation takes up to 10 applicants from the Hull and East Yorkshire area to be a part of the programme.

Who can apply? 

If you are from Hull & East Yorkshire and studying Drama, Acting or a form of Theatre Arts at degree level (including: Tech, Stage Management, Design, Costume & Playwriting) then The Godber Theatre Foundation is for you!

How to apply?

All applicants must fill out an application form with personal details and also submit:

​-  A 250 word piece of writing OR a 2 minute video about yourself and why being a part of The Godber Foundation could help support you alongside your training and in the future.


​  - A self taped monologue of up to two minutes of a piece of your choice. OR, for non-actors, a digital portfolio/script (up to 500 words). 

If including video submissions, please provide a Youtube or Vimeo link. 

More Info

An applicant’s success is based on both talent and need. Places will be rewarded to those who will benefit the most from our help and guidance.  

​If a student’s initial application is successful, they will be invited to a second-round Zoom interview.

The Godber Theatre Foundation may take up to 2 weeks to decide on the success of each applicant.

For questions and queries please contact us via email at:

Applications are now open and will close on the 21st April 2025

Sophie Huckstep

“The past year being a part of this foundation has been incredible. The support, and guidance has constantly helped me throughout my final year. From headshots, to industry experience, to audition prep- the guidance has been like no other. I feel very lucky to have been apart of such an amazing foundation and to have been able to work and get to know others witb similar goals and intentions from my hometown”